Our Tastemakers

09 Countries
18 Cities
01 Global community

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Heidi Chiu

Washington D.C.

Heidi is a Taiwanese American nurse raised outside of Los Angeles, California. She is passionate about health equity, and how personal identity ties into health and wellness. She's a graduate from the University of Pennsylvania and will be relocated to Washington D.C. this fall.

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Jasmine Martinez

Waukegan, Illinois

Jasmine is a Filipina-American creative passionate about empowering underrepresented voices through her art and writing. She is a first-generation, low-income college graduate and a child of immigrants. Besides working on building her art Instagram, @sampa_ita, she also loves to bake and can make a killer chocolate babka.

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Melinda Hu

Livingston, New Jersey

Melinda is a second-generation Chinese American from New Jersey. She’s passionate about gender equity, women’s health, entrepreneurship, and economic empowerment. With a degree from Wharton business school, her focus is in product marketing. She's an active member in Asian women communities.

Visual Designers

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"Freedom is knowing who you are."
- Pink